Top Things to Do in Florence

In Florence, such an artistic city, you can not only taste the local food, and appreciate the local beauty, but also feel the influence of art here. If you don't know where to start visiting this city, here are our recommendations about the top things you should not miss.

Once known as "the most beautiful castle in the world", as the first scenic spot in Florence, will not let you down. After you enter the church, enter the dome through the side door. Along the way, you will climb 463 steps, accompanied by exquisite murals. Go straight to the top and you can see the most beautiful and largest church dome in Florence. Here you can overlook the city view of Florence and enjoy this city with Gothic architecture.

Overlook Florence from the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (Duomo)Overlook Florence from the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (Duomo)

Galleria degli Uffizi, not only does it have an unparalleled variety of collections, but its gallery itself is a skillfully crafted large-scale work of art.

The Uffizi Gallery's exhibits are organized by era and genre, with paintings and sculptures by such Renaissance pioneers as the virtuoso Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael, presenting the trend of Italian art and the unique charm of the world art of painting. When you come here, it is as if you have walked into the temple of world art, and those works have been polished by the time of years, waiting for you to appreciate and discover.

Galleria Degli UffiziGalleria Degli Uffizi

Located across the river from the ancient city. In the center of the square is a bronze replica of David, one of the best places to overlook Florence and watch the sunset.

This square is to commemorate the great Renaissance artist Michelangelo. When you stand in the square, you can see the whole scenery of the old city of Florence. The houses with rose roofs are endless, which are very distinctive and beautiful. In addition to the square, there used to be a gorgeous terrace, but now it has become a panoramic restaurant. You can take advantage of the sunset to overlook the whole city in the restaurant.

Piazzale MichelangeloPiazzale Michelangelo

Ponte Vecchio, the fascinating old bridge that spans the Arno River and connects the two sides of Florence. It is also the place where Dante and Beatrice met, which is why it is also known as the "Bridge of Love".

The breathtaking design and structure of the bridge consists of thirty arched stone arches that extend along the river, connecting the two banks. Several small stores have been built on the bridge, providing a unique shopping experience. You can stroll across the bridge with your loved one, enjoying the view of the Arno River and soaking up the history and art. If you are tired of strolling, you can go to the side for a cup of coffee, which is also a good choice.

Ponte VecchioPonte Vecchio

Visiting Boboli Garden can be said to reverse time and take you back to the 16th century, which is full of Florence's literary atmosphere. You can stroll in this palace garden full of art and tranquility of sculptures and exquisite court garden designs.

If you enter the Boboli Garden from the Palazzo Pitti, you can find the ruins of an ancient Roman amphitheater. From there, you will reach the famous Poseidon Fountain. From the Gentleman's Garden, you will get a bird's eye view of the perfect angle in Florence. Traveling east or west along the route, you will also meet a series of amazing scenery, such as the unique Rococo coffee house, the sculpture grottoes in Buontalenti, and the cylindrical garden.

Palazzo Vecchio, also known as The Old Palace of Florence. It is a typical Romanesque building whose shape gives it a stately and imposing image and makes it the grandest town hall in Tuscany.

Inside the hall contains a museum and the Salone dei Cinquecento, where you can admire the Medici family's collection of treasures from all over the world, up to 100,000 pieces over the past two or three hundred years. In addition to this, you can also see paintings by famous artists, which express the story of Florence's history so vividly that you feel as if you were there, which will be a very interesting experience.

Palazzo VecchioPalazzo Vecchio

The whole church has tall and wide cloisters, vaults supported by colonnades, and medieval Gothic architecture exudes unique charm. In this church, you can have a meeting that spans thousands of years.

This church is famous all over the world for burying many outstanding figures in Italian history and has the reputation of "Tempio dell'Itale Glorie" in Italy. For example, the memorial cemetery of Galileo, the founder of modern physics, Michelangelo, the master of Renaissance art, and Dante. The cathedral also houses many ancient cultural relics and precious famous paintings, making it a small museum. This church with medieval Gothic style carries many stories, waiting for you to discover.

Basilica of Santa Croce in FlorenceBasilica of Santa Croce in Florence

The "Galleria dell'Accademia" in Florence is world-famous for its original Michelangelo David. It is an important place to observe and study the transformation of Medieval paintings to the Renaissance. The collection of paintings there is relatively few, but the works of the Gothic period and early Renaissance are impressive.

The creation of the David statue was not smooth, and it was finally decided after three changes of talents. The whole stone statue weighs six tons, which can be said to be one of the most representative stone statues in the Renaissance. Therefore, if you make an appointment in this art museum, don't miss this opportunity to enjoy it at close range.

The “Galleria Dell’Accademia” in FlorenceThe “Galleria Dell’Accademia” in Florence

Mercato Centrale Firenze is the oldest food market in Florence and it is located near the Basilica of Santa Maria del Fiore. The stores are all unique, selling every aspect of the Italian diet, from the largest hams to the tiniest spices, from the mysterious flavors of the East to the ancient recipes of the West.

From basic pizza, pasta, and desserts to regional specialties such as tripe and steak, to a variety of snacks from other regions, the Central Market offers a wide range of Italian food. Central Market also has an amateur cooking school. There will be open cooking tutorials taught by professional chefs, and enthusiasts from all over the world will gather in a professional kitchen to learn together in what is sure to be an unforgettable experience.

Battistero is a square octagonal Romanesque building. The most attractive feature of the Baptistery dome and interior is the huge mosaic-style fresco. They beautifully depict stories from the Bible and are a wonderful example of Byzantine art.

Since the dome is closer to the ground, you can see the details of the image more clearly and the whole mural is stunning. Of the entire Battistero, the east door is exceptionally beautifully sculpted and completely gilded, and was praised by Michelangelo as the "Porta del Paradiso". The rich storytelling, delicate reliefs, and harmonious compositions create a sensory experience that transcends time and connects visitors to the artistic genius of the Renaissance.

Mercato Centrale FirenzeMercato Centrale Firenze

Campanile di Giotto is a famous attraction in Florence and one of the most representative Renaissance buildings in Florence. Campanile di Giotto has an elegant and dignified architectural style, and its appearance presents a strong Renaissance architectural character.

When stepping into the interior of the bell tower adorned with sculptures and frescoes, you can marvel at the works of art representing the cultural and artistic achievements of the time. Inside the bell tower, there is a spiral staircase that leads to the top floor, where visitors can enjoy a great view of downtown Florence, including the beautiful Arno River and ancient buildings.

Giotto's Bell Tower in FlorenceGiotto's Bell Tower in Florence

Almost all travelers' first encounters with Florence are associated with Santa Maria Novella, where a train pulls up to the platform and people walk briskly out of the new Santa Maria Novella train station.

From the front facade of the church, you can clearly see the transition from Romanesque to Gothic style, preserving the original design to this day. In the middle of that white and green marble, you can strongly feel the Renaissance and Medieval Gothic styles. Besides that, there are some colorful windows here. The sunlight shines through the color of the windows and creates seven colors, which is the best time for you to take pictures and it will be very photogenic.

Travel to Italy With Odynovo

Not only visiting unique churches, but also seeing these famous art exhibits with your own eyes, or experiencing into the unique historical background of Florence, you can leave your memories in Florence. If you don't want to miss this charming city, travel with Odynovo!

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