Top 8 Places to Visit in Israel for the First Time

Israel is located in western Asia and is the junction of Asia, Africa and Europe. It is the birthplace of the world's major religions, Judaism, Islam and Christianity, and one of the most important religious and cultural centers in the world. Israel has a long history, and its earliest history dates back to the 12th century BC. Its long history has left itself with many precious historical relics and places of interest, and also attracts thousands of tourists to visit this country every year. If you're planning your first-time trip to Israel, you may get some inspiration from this article.

Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and a beautiful and world-famous historical city. It was once one of the most prosperous areas for religious activity in ancient times. Judaism, Christianity and Islam regarded Jerusalem as a religious holy place, so for Jews, Christians and Muslims, the holy Old City of Jerusalem is one of the most important pilgrimage destinations in the world. Most noteworthy is the Old City, which was listed on the World Heritage List in 1981. The four districts in this city are Christi, Jewish, Muslim and Armenian. The famous Martyrdom of Jesus is in the northern part of Christi, the famous crying wall is in the southern part of Jewish, and the Stone Mosque is in the eastern part of Muslims. "Jerusalem" means "City of Peace" in Hebrew. Its architecture has distinctive characteristics. And the strong religious culture covers the city with a mysterious veil. Every brick and tile here seems to tell the history and vicissitudes of this place for thousands of years.


Tel Aviv-Yafo is the second largest city in Israel, which was formed by the merger of Tel Aviv and Yafo in 1950. Tel Aviv-Yafo is an ancient port city, among which Yafo became a famous port on the Mediterranean coast as early as 2000 BC and is one of the oldest ports in the world. Tel Aviv-Yafo has two famous attractions, one is the White City of Tel Aviv and the other is the ancient city of Yafo. Tel Aviv White City has about 2,500 buildings of different styles. The exterior of the building forms a large area of white walls, hence the name White City, and it has been listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2003. The ancient city of Yafo has a very long history, and the archaeological records of cultural relics can be traced back to about 7,500 BC. This whole ancient city was built along the seaside, walking on the road paved by ancient slates, and walking through this thousand-year-old ancient city like a maze, as if it had really entered that distant and mysterious era.

Tel Aviv-YafoTel Aviv-Yafo

Eilat is located in southern Israel and is one of Israel's main ports. There is a clean blue Red Sea in front of this city and the magnificent and magical Negev Desert behind it. Its unique geographical environment has created its distinctive urban landscape. There are comfortable beaches where tourists can bathe in the sun. And there are rich seaside activities such as diving and paragliding to let tourists feel the fun of the seaside. In addition, due to its dry and warm climate and clean and clear water, beautiful coral reefs have been born here. Every year, divers from all over the world are attracted to explore the beauty of coral reefs. It is recommended that tourists come to this city in summer. Good lighting conditions can give divers an excellent underwater view, so as to better experience the colorful underwater world.

Nazareth is a city located in northern Israel. This city is not very large, and the most famous tourist attraction is the Church of the Annunciation. This church was built to commemorate the legend that the Virgin Mary was conceived and an angel went down to the earth to report that good news. It has a prominent status. Together with the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Church of All Nations in Jerusalem, it is known as the three Catholic "Holy Basilica" in Israel. The Church of the Annunciation is built on a mountain, and its interior is very gorgeous. The dome of this church is a huge fresco. Whenever the sunlight forms a colorful light reflected on the fresco after passing through the glass window, this exquisite fresco seems to emit sacred light. There are dozens of niches hanging on the walls of the church, each of which has a mural of the image of the Virgin Mary. These murals are selected and given by many countries according to their different cultural characteristics. They are not only of great significance, but also excellent ornamental.


Haifa is located in northern Israel, which means "beautiful coast" and is the largest port city in Israel. Historically, Haifa has been an important passageway between Europe, Asia and Africa. It has gone through several eras, such as Athens and Rome, and can be said to be one of the cradles of European civilization. Bahá'í Gardens is the most famous attraction in this city. The whole garden is built on the mountain, stretching thousands of meters from the top to the foot of the mountain. In the center of the garden is the land where the Bahá'í prophet Báb sleeps. The top of the main building is hemispherical, and the golden roof shines in the sun. There is also a famous German street near the Bahá'í Gardens. Beautiful German houses built in the 20th century are neatly arranged on both sides of the road, and the whole street is full of strong retro style. In addition, the sea view of Haifa is also very charming. When you walk in this city, feel the fresh sea breeze and warm sunshine, and enjoy the endless coastal scenery, you will definitely feel how comfortable it is.


Tiberias has a long history. It is a city located in northern Israel and one of the four holy cities of Judaism. Tiberias is next to the Sea of Galilee, so tourists who come here should not miss the beautiful scenery of the Sea of Galilee. Although the name of the Sea of Galilee includes the word “sea”, it is actually Israel's largest freshwater lake. It is said that Jesus summoned his four apprentices here. Boat tour of the Sea of Galilee is a classic event for tourists from all over the world to visit this freshwater lake. According to the Bible, locals imitate the wooden boat in which Jesus took and used this kind of boat to carry tourists to the lake. In addition, tourists can tear the bread and sprinkle it into the air to feed seagulls. I believe that the scene of swarms of seagulls flying on the lake must be very interesting.

Located on the border between Israel and Palestine, Bethlehem is an ancient city with a long history and a strong religious atmosphere. According to the Bible, Bethlehem is the birthplace of Jesus, so the city has also become a religious holy place for Judaism and Christianity. The most famous church in the city is the Church of the Nativity in Manger Square in the city center. It was built on the ruins of the Star Cave in Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. And it is one of the oldest surviving Christian churches. There is a sunken niche inside the church hall, which is made of milky marble and carved with exquisite decorations. Walking in, you will enter a narrow space with a fourteen-pointed star sign on the ground, where it is said to touch the manger where Jesus was born. Bethlehem is a town full of stories, and I believe that tourists who come here will leave unforgettable memories.


Jericho is a world-renowned historical site. According to archaeological records, a total of 22 human settlements have been excavated around the city, the oldest of which is more than 11,000 years old. Therefore, Jericho was named "the oldest city in the world" by UNESCO in 1995 and all the human settlements excavated in this city were listed on the World Heritage List. The city has a long history and profound religious culture, leaving a large number of cultural treasures and historical relics. It has some famous historical relics such as the legendary place where Jesus was baptized, the world's oldest synagogue, the palace of Hisham Caliphate representing Arab culture, Herod's palace, Nalan Cathedral and so on. It is because of these ancient walls and monuments that people can realize the great human civilization thousands of years ago in their limited lives.

Israel has very charming natural and cultural resources. When you come here, you can touch the ancient walls built thousands of years ago, see the buildings recorded in the Bible with your own eyes, and personally feel the impact and shock brought by the crystallization of thousands of years of historical civilization. This is an ancient religious city that carries the past and the present. Do you want to see it in person? If you have any ideas about your trip to Israel, please contact us, and our experts could create a tailor-made itinerary based on your needs and interests.

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