10 Must-Visit Tourist Attractions in Cambodia

Hailed as a sacred land of ancient temples, Cambodia, a small country with a population of 160 million people, has become more and more known around the world. The kingdom sits in northeast Asia, neighboring Thailand and Vietnam. Cambodia, with a history dating back to antiquity, was united early on, 1000 years ago, when the Khmer Dynasty was established. The splendid Dynasty of Angkor left Cambodia invaluable cultural wealth. During the past 100 years, Cambodia has suffered from many hardships. In 2016, Cambodia was no longer categorized as the least developed country. Nowadays, Cambodia embraces more and more people worldwide to come and know the country. The temples of the Angkor ruins are what distinguish Cambodia from wonders in other countries. Other than that, Cambodia has stunning natural scenery, such as white beaches, islands, and a spectacular waterfall. We will show you the best attractions that are worth visiting during your trip to Cambodia. Let's begin with the most famous attraction, Angkor Wat.

When it comes to Cambodia, Angkor Wat must be the first picture that skims over people's minds. Angkor Wat, the most important and beautiful part of the Angkor ruins, attracts a large number of visitors. At first glance, visitors must be absolutely astounded by the sublime temple. 6000 meters north of Siem Reap city, it was created by Suryavarman II in the first half of the 12th century, taking over 30 years to finish.

Angkor Wat is famous for its large scale and magnificent reliefs. The temple is without a doubt the pinnacle of Khmer architecture, reflecting the Khmer's extreme devotion to the Hindu god Vishnu. At the center are five pyramid-shaped towers as a representation of Mount Sumeru, the home of Hindu gods. The temple complex has stunning symmetry. Many different types of reliefs are carved into the walls along the winding corridor, each one distinctive with different hairstyles. You may learn about the Hindu epics and mythology, as well as how the ancient Khmer lived while appreciating the amazing art.

Angkor WatAngkor Wat

Angkor Wat is surrounded by a vast rectangular moat and flourishing forests. Before you cross the bridge to the temple, standing on the bank of the moat and looking at the inspiring building, you have the potential to see the typically wonderful reflection of Angkor Wat against the blue sky in the water. Located 1.5 kilometers northwest of Angkor Wat is Bakheng, a small hill at a height of about 70 meters. You can climb to the top of the hill overlooking Angkor Wat.

Angkor Wat is the national symbol in which Cambodians take pride. It bears witness to the previous glory of the Angkor Dynasty and displays the ideal synthesis of artistic aspiration and religious fervor. As Cambodia's soul, Angkor Wat holds enormous historical and cultural significance. That's why its structure is seen on the Cambodian flag. Thus, it must be your top destination in Cambodia.

At the heart of Angkor Thom, Bayon was built in the time of King Jayavarman VII. It is a Buddhist temple that was designed in the pyramid shape of Mount Sumeru (Buddhism has a different definition of Mount Sumeru than Hinduism), which symbolizes the center of the universe.

The temple includes 54 Gothic towers that are decorated with 216 colossal smiling faces of Avalokiteshvara. Each Buddha with four smiling faces on the stone is modeled on King Jayavarman VII. The Khmer smiles carved into the stone columns are what make Boyon distinguishable from other temples in the Angkor area.

A variety of reliefs with a strong story are carved into the wall of Bayon. From royal conquest to civil life, you can admire the great story. The main entrance to Bayon is located to the east. The wall paintings here depict how Khmer people lived and fought against enemies. In Bayon temple, you can admire a totally different engraving from Angkor Wat. Bayon Temple, so to speak, is another must-see attraction after Angkor Wat in Cambodia.

Bayon TempleBayon Temple

Banteay Srei is thought to be the jewel in the crown of Angkorian art, with a distinctive style and the most exquisite decoration. Facing east at 200 meters in length and 100 meters in width, surrounded by sandstone-made walls, the temple was begun in 967 during the time of King Rajendravarman II and finished in the reign of King Jayavarman V. The north part of the temple was dedicated to Shiva, and the south part was dedicated to Vishnu.

Banteay Srei, also named "Citadel of the Women," is famous for its amazingly splendid and delicate reliefs. Most of the walls and columns of the temple are decorated with reliefs, most of them carved into male and female divinities. The classic Apsara carvings are the most fascinating in Banteay Srei. You might notice the fairy performing an elegant dance into the wall. The scenes formed by relief work come from the epic Ramayana. You can find different shapes of reliefs, like gods, monsters, and human beings.

Banteay SreiBanteay Srei

Situated east of Angkor Wat, Ta Prohm was constructed in the 12th century, during the reign of King Jayavarman VII. The stone-built temple was dedicated to Buddha and used to commemorate the king's mother. There is no doubt that Ta Prohm is regarded as the most atmospheric temple of Angkor's ruins. It is one of the hotspots for every traveler to Cambodia. Along the narrow corridors of the temple are 260 sculptures, and it boasts a vast collection of gems, diamonds, and gemstones. You can enjoy yourself in a treasury of magnificent reliefs carved into the walls of the temple.

In addition, the temple has been swallowed by the jungle. When you first stumble upon them, you must be shocked by such a perfect but peculiar combination of human creations and nature. The weather here is rainy and sunny, which is conducive to giant kapok trees with incredible elephantine branches and roots. Many strangulating branches and roots pressing against the structure will leave an indelible impression on you.

Ta Prohm is also famous for the Tomb Raider tree, which is the background of a classic scene in the film Tomb Raider. The temple is at its most appealing early in the day. It is really worth your visit!

Ta ProhmTa Prohm

Located in eastern Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, the royal palace was built between 1866 and 1870 in the face of a bay formed by the confluence of the Mekong River, Tonle Sap River, and Tonle Bassac River. The palace features Khmer style and religion. It is covered with golden glazed tiles on its roofs, with a towering spire in the center and the ridges rising at both ends, resplendent and magnificent. The royal palace includes over 20 small palaces, of which the Silver Pagoda is the most stunning. It is famous for its splendid floor made of 5329 bricks of sterling silver. Inside the pagoda, the luminously green Buddha carved out of a big emerald is also worth your visit.

On the north of the royal palace sits the National Museum of Phnom Penh, and there was just a road in between. If you have enough time after visiting the palace, visit the museum. The museum has a vast collection of more than 500 pieces of art, porcelain, and stone statues belonging to the Angkor Dynasty. There is a grassy area within the museum where many local events are celebrated each year. By the way, due to religious taboos, shorts, short skirts, and backless clothes are unavailable when visiting the palace.

The Royal Palace of Phnom PenhThe Royal Palace of Phnom Penh

The national park is based on the sacred mountain of Kulen, the birthplace of the Khmer Empire. Mount Kulen is an ideal destination for tourists to learn about Cambodia's millennia-old culture, except for the Angkor ruins. Traveling around the national park, you'll discover traces of how the Khmer Empire rose and thrived before independence. This was the spot where King Jayavarman II proclaimed himself a god-king and the worldly envoy of the Hindu god, Shiva. Until now, the sacred mountain has been a significant place of pilgrimage for the Cambodian people.

During your journey to the mountain top, you may come across the old temple and a divine elephant and lion made of stone in the jungle. Phnom Kulen National Park is well-known for its iconic waterfall that features in the movie Tomb Raider. When the rain stopped and the sky cleared up, the waterfall cascaded down the steep cliff into eucalyptus trees. If you're lucky, you have the chance to admire a nice rainbow. At the top of Mount Phnom Kulen, you have a wonderful view over Phnom Penh. You have the potential to catch a spectacular sunrise if you get to the top just before dawn. The vivid dome of Kulen looks striking even from the feet of the mount.

Mount Kulen holds special significance for Cambodians as the birthplace of the Khmer Empire. No matter who you are, it has a great power to purify everyone's mind.

Tonlé Sap consists of Tonlé Sap Lake and a 120-km-long river. Tonle Sap Lake, also known as Phnom Penh Lake, is located in the west of Cambodia, where the lake and Mekong River meet. Tonle Sap Lake is the largest freshwater lake in northeast Asia. It seems like an enormous emerald is inlaid in the land of this country. Tourists can see markedly different sights of the lake during different seasons. During rainy seasons, the blue lakes are dotted with luxuriant vegetation.

Tonle Sap Lake is a paradise with large varieties of birds and aquatic life. It plays an important role in ecological balance. For this reason, it was recognized as a biodiversity hotspot and a biosphere reserve by UNESCO in 1997. In the lake live about 150 species of fish, and some of them are endangered. You have the potential to see a swarm of birds skimming over the lake. You may catch sight of some famous birds, like the spot-billed pelican, Bengal florican, and grey-headed fish eagle.

During the day, you can drop into small houses built on the water and chat with local people. Don't forget to experience the exciting rowing. At dusk, the lake glints in the sunlight, and you can see the sun declining from the distant horizon.

Tonle Sap LakeTonle Sap Lake

Battambang, an 11th-century city west of Cambodia adjacent to Thailand, always serves as an important hub for transportation and trade with Thailand. Battambang abounds with rice and fruits, and thus is acclaimed as "the granary of Cambodia." Now it is the second-largest city in the country.

While traveling around Battambang, you will be captivated by the deliciousness of the exotic dishes. You must try various kinds of fruits and taste the most delicious fruit smoothie in Cambodia. Many French restaurants are lined along the bank of the river, providing you with a relaxed pace of life. If you get enough rest, come visit the Battambang Museum.

Apart from the human landscape, Mount Phnom Sampeau is also popular with travelers worldwide. At dusk, you will see a spectacular hurricane of bats soaring into the sky. Along the mountain road, you will also see an old temple used as a prison and two caves, whose ruins have witnessed the cruelty of the war.

Around Battambang, you will see a countryside strikingly different in age, style, and historical significance. Battambang is no doubt an ideal destination for you to integrate with the local community.

In eastern Cambodia, neighboring Vietnam, Kratie is located on the bank of the Mekong River and has a population of about 38,215 people. Kratie seems less popular with tourists than other attractions in Angkor ruins. At the heart of the town is a marketplace surrounded by antique French colonial structures. You can see a fascinating harmony of French constructions and traditional Khmer buildings. You can go to Kratie's marketplace to enjoy the leisure of a small town.

Despite being a small town, Kratie boasts both natural mountains, a white beach, and island scenery, as well as numerous ancient Buddhist temples. You can visit the 100-Column Pagoda, travel to the Phnom Sombok Resort, and stay at the Koh Trong Resort.

But what makes Kratie quite attractive is the extremely rare Irrawaddy Dolphin inhabiting the Mekong River near the city. It is the best place to see the Irrawaddy dolphin. If you're lucky, standing on the bank of the Mekong River, you might catch a rare glimpse of the critically endangered Irrawaddy dolphins in the river. Irrawaddy dolphins are becoming increasingly scarce. It is predicted that between 66 and 86 dolphins remain in the upper Cambodian Mekong region. So, when you visit Kratie in the autumn, don't forget to see the dolphins.

Sihanoukville, also known as Kampong Som, is a port city, and its coast borders the Gulf of Thailand. The city is definitely the last stop on your journey in Cambodia. It brings you the best beaches to escape to after exploring Angkor ruins. It is a typical emerging city, established after 1950 and more modernized than other cities in Cambodia.

In spite of its short history of several decades, Sihanoukville is well-known for its undeveloped scenery, nearly continuous line of beaches, and coastal marshlands, which are home to a diverse range of wildlife. Sihanoukville boasts natural beaches and islands, including beautiful sand beaches, swaying palm trees, and adventurous islands. With large numbers of restaurants and hotels and rows of chairs on the edge of the beach filled with tourists, you can enjoy the sophisticated nightlife by having a candlelight dinner in the hut and drinking a wide variety of beverages.

Besides, Sihanoukville is also a good place to dive if you're a diving enthusiast. 2 kilometers north of the city, you can admire the breathtaking sunrise and sunset at a fishing port. In short, Sihanoukville shows tourists the modern face of Cambodia. It is a good place to relax and unwind.

Beach of SihanoukvilleBeach of Sihanoukville

These top 10 attractions are just a part of Cambodia. In addition to sacred temples, Cambodia's beautiful scenery of beaches and islands, rich history, and fascinating exotic culture will leave a totally distinctive impression on you. If you're planning to take a Cambodia trip or want more travel information about Cambodia, please don't hesitate to contact us, just simply tell us your interests and needs, and one of our travel experts will create a tailor-made itinerary for you within 24hrs.

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