How Many Days to Spend in Egypt?

Egypt has become a highly sought-after tourist destination in recent times. Being one of the oldest civilizations, it is home to a plethora of attractions that are as rich as its history. These attractions include historical and cultural sites, splendid museums, and leisurely beaches and rivers that have nurtured civilization over the years.

Ancient Egypt always brings you different surprises. You can feel this shock only when you come to this country in person. If you're wondering how many days you'll need to explore all these sights, this article will help you plan the appropriate itinerary for your Egypt tour.

The ideal duration of an Egypt tour is 14 days (two weeks), though 5 - 7 days are also enough for most iconic attractions. Whether you're planning a short trip or a long one, you should definitely visit Cairo. Cairo is not only the capital of Egypt but also has many historical attractions.

If you plan to spend only 5 - 7 days, you may consider an in-depth tour of Cairo and Luxor to visit the top highlights of Egypt. Egyptian pyramids and sphinxes are here, revealing an ancient and mysterious atmosphere everywhere. And the Egyptian Museum, with 7,000 years of human civilization, will satisfy your heart for exploring the world.

If you have 8 - 14 days for the trip, you can take an additional splendor Nile Cruise, and visit more popular cities such as Alexandria, Fayoum, Hurghada, etc.

If you can have more than 15 days of vacation, you can experience Egypt in depth or combine your Egypt tour with a nearby country, like Morocco.

Egypt Travel Inspiration for You
Egypt Travel Inspiration for You

If you are ready to spend 5-7 days traveling in Egypt, you can choose 1 or 2 cities to visit depending on your preferences and most people prefer Cairo as a starting point for their trip. First of all, the Pyramid of Khufu and the Sphinx are sights you must not miss in Cairo.

The Pyramid of Khufu is the largest of the ancient Egyptian pyramids and one of the Seven Wonders of the World. You can ride a camel to see the pyramids and sphinxes, which will definitely be an unprecedented experience. As the camel steps faster and faster, the pyramids and sphinxes gradually appear in front of your eyes. This kind of shocking feeling can't be felt in any book or video. Only when you walk into them you can feel the grandeur personally. It's even harder to imagine how ancient Egyptians completed such a great building 4700 years ago without any modern tools.

Pyramids of Giza, CairoPyramids of Giza, Cairo

Next, you can go to the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities. The collection here has a long history, ranging from prehistoric times to ancient, medieval, and imperial times, as well as Greek and Roman. You can also visit and even touch the 3,000-year-old artifacts at close range and feel the glorious history and splendid civilization of ancient Egypt passing through your fingertips.

In addition, visiting the Khalili bazaar will be a special experience in the strong Arabian atmosphere. In the bazaar, the enthusiastic vendors, the noisy bargaining, the smell of spices, and the wide variety of small goods will surely make you unforgettable. As you enter the bazaar from the entrance of Al-Azhar Road, you can see historic Arabesque buildings on both sides of the road. If you are not a big shopper, just take some photos and rest in cafes opened by local artists around the market, with a cup of traditional Arabic tea.

The Khalili bazaarThe Khalili bazaar

If you are very interested in temples, Luxor must be very suitable for you. Luxor, with its complex of pharaonic temples, is the city with the highest concentration of ancient Egyptian ruins. And Luxor is not only known as the largest open-air museum in the world but also the famous Luxor Temple and Temple of Karnak are also located here.

Temple of KarnakTemple of Karnak

You can see representative buildings of ancient Egypt here, such as courtyards, great towers, and obelisks. Although the temple has some traces of corrosion, it also increases its sense of historical vicissitudes. Tall stone pillars stand there, and the statues on them are still visible, all of which seem to represent the majesty of the pharaohs. When you place yourself in the temple, you can surely feel the power and prosperity of ancient Egypt.

If you have 8-14 days on vacation, you will have more time to explore mysterious Egypt. Firstly, all the attractions in Cairo and Luxor and the Nile Cruise must be visited. Next, you can also visit the beautiful seaside city of Alexandria, Fayoum, or any city you're interested in.

The Nile Cruise must be one of the top highlights of Egypt. You can definitely listen to the call from an ancient civilization on a four-day, three-night Nile cruise. Your journey will start from Luxor to the south, and the upstream cruise ship will move slowly along the river. Both banks of the Nile River are pristine natural scenes.

Nile CruiseNile Cruise

During the journey, you can visit five temples along the way, including the Sobek Temple and the Temple of Horus. Sobek Temple differs from many Egyptian temples because it is dedicated to two gods, which will definitely give you a different experience.

The Temple of Horus is the best-preserved temple in Egypt and the only one with a roof remaining. When you see the vast tower gate of the temple, you will be struck by magnificent momentum. Its majesty seems to have never decayed over the generations but rather adds a sense of vicissitudes.

In addition, you can also visit the High Dam and Valley of the Kings, which are both very popular attractions in Egypt. More than that, you can watch the sunrise and sunset from the boat. In the evening, you can also enjoy Egyptian cuisine and participate in a distinctive Egyptian song and dance performance.

Alexandria, a city steeped in history on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt, exudes a timeless charm. Founded by Alexander the Great, it echoes tales of ancient wonders, including the legendary Great Library and the Pharos Lighthouse. Today, Alexandria embraces both its storied past and vibrant present. Influenced by the Western economy and culture, the city is obviously different from Cairo and other areas.


Fayoum is one of the oldest cities in Africa, and the Fayoum Oasis is one of the five great oases of Egypt. You can not only visit the pyramids and temples of different periods but also participate in various interesting activities in the Fayum Desert, such as sand skiing and camel riding. Besides, you can play in the water by the ancient Lake Moeris and visit ancient whale fossils in Wadi Al-Hitan. At night, you will camp in the desert and join the local people's party to experience Egyptian customs. As soon as you look up, you will see a sky full of stars, and you are guaranteed to have an unforgettable night.

If you choose to stay longer and want to explore more countries, you can spend 1 - 2 weeks in Egypt and the rest of the days in Morocco. You can pick 2-3 cities to visit in Egypt, but you can't miss the Nile Cruise. Then, you will come to Morocco. It is a mysterious country lost in color, and it is known as God's palette. The cities, architecture, and handicrafts all use the colors of nature to an extreme level. But as for how beautiful its color is, you must see it for yourself.

Chefchaouen, MoroccoChefchaouen, Morocco

Chefchaouen is located in a wide valley of the Rif Mountains, Morocco. The city's streets are covered with a dreamy blue color, with a refreshing ocean breeze. When you enter the city, you will have the illusion that you are on a Mediterranean island. The buildings in Casablanca are mainly white. Overlooking the city from the sea, you can clearly see that there is a white line rising and falling between the blue sea water and the sky. Among them, Mosque Hassan II is a famous local scenic spot. In your spare time, you can just walk into a coffee shop and have a romantic afternoon tea called Casablanca.

In addition to these, Morocco has the red Marrakech, the colorful Fes, and the golden Sahara Desert. You can explore them one by one according to your own preferences.

If you want to plan an Egypt itinerary, please contact us simply. Our private and tailor-made service will provide you with a personalized itinerary based on your needs and interests within 24 hours.

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